Friday, February 17, 2012

Republicans Shmepublicans

It’s kind of stupid to have a blog and not write anything on it, even if there’s nobody to read it.  So, I’m going to at least put a post or two up there.  Wipe a booger on the wall, see who notices.  The thing that has been catching my attention lately is the political hoopla over the upcoming presidential election.  The Republican Party is getting itself worked into a froth trying to decide which mind-numbingly boring white guy they will sacrifice at the feet of Barack Obama in November.  I have no love whatsoever for the Democratic Party either (I consider myself a nut-ball Libertarian), but not a single one of those candidates has one-tenth as much charisma as the incumbent.  So I see this primary as a “tempest in a teacup”.  Much ado about nothing, as Billy Shakespeare put it.
The only guy with any kind of original ideas to take things in a new direction is Ron Paul.  Unfortunately, he is about a hundred years old and looks like he might have been an extra in the Lord of the Rings movies somewhere.  He also has a manner of speech that makes him sound like a bad insurance salesman.  Oh well.
The thing that really pisses me off is that there isn’t any damn difference.  Republicans think it's the place of government to tell everyone what's right and wrong.  Democrats think it's a giant soup kitchen/welfare program/jobs program.  One wants government to be an overbearing father-figure, and the other wants a nagging soccer-mom.  The Republicans want us to spend too much money on the military, the Democrats on social programs.  They both want a giant government that controls everything; they are just arguing about the flavor.  I don't think I should be forced to choose between fascism and communism as an American citizen. But that's just me.

1 comment:

  1. Ron Paul could have walked away with this nomination if he'd had a Goldwater-esque foreign policy. I've been a libertarian since I was 16 (I score 100x100 on the Nolan chart), but Paul's foreign policy is just to dangerous. That's the thing about the world: someone WILL be its policeman. If its not us then it'll be someone with the desire and balls to do it and I'm afraid we won't like the laws they chose to enforce...
